CWT Parsing API Technical Documentation
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Table of Contents
Getting Started
Licensing the CWT Parsing API and Account Settings
Result Format
Advanced Topics
Recommended setup
E-Mail Redirection
End User E-Mail Address
User Tracking and Context Management
API Reference
List of return codes
XML Reference
Additional Information
Supported Providers
Supported Input Formats
Supported Languages
CWT’s e-mail parsing service converts travel confirmation e-mails into structured itinerary items. The service also provides supplemental details to the parsed items such as geo-codes or aircraft type, which are not found within the confirmation email. In all cases, the developer must implement the relevant logic (based on Passenger Name Records (PNRs), reservations numbers, user IDs, etc.) to collate the itinerary items into a comprehensive itinerary.The parsing results are then sent back to the developer in either of two ways:
- Via a HTTP POST request to a preconfigured URL, where the result is formatted as XML in the HTTP request body
Getting Started
In order to start testing the e-mail parsing service, all you need to do is send a travel confirmation e-mail to You should get a reply email with the parsing result included in the body as well as an XML attachment. The evaluation is limited to 5 e-mails for each sender. In order to continue the evaluation after those 5 e-mails, please create your free account.
Licensing the CWT Parsing API and Account Settings
Should you wish to license the API after the evaluation period, you must agree to the Terms of Service. Once completed, you will be assigned a dedicated inbox with e-mail address in the form of You should use this address to send your mails for parsing. The parsing response can be sent by an e-mail or by an HTTP POST request, or both. By default the e-mail transport is configured to the e-mail address you used to create the account, but you can change this from the settings page.
Result Format
The result is sent as an XML document, either as the body of the HTTP POST request or as attachment to the response e-mail. The XML has 6 major parts:
- Status code - indicates if the parsing was a success or failure, (with a reason code)
- Error message - optional, in case of a failure
- Headers - all the headers from the e-mail to ascertain the traveler
- End user e-mail - CWT will extract the user’s e-mail even if the mail was sent from a third party (will be added at March 15, 2012)
- Reservation details – The reservation details of the entire reservation – PNR (if exists), booking site/agent details and the total price
- Items - a list of the itinerary items that were extracted from the e-mail.
In addition the response includes the request id in the CWT system, and the time in which the request was received.
In the itinerary, CWT separates the information into 6 item types: flight, car rental, hotel reservation, public transportation, meeting and event. All items (except a meeting) share the common properties of a reservation, such as booking details, price, etc.
Since CWT parses thousands of non-standard confirmation e-mails formats, even within the same item type there may be differences in the extracted information. There is, however, a minimal set of properties per item type that must be found within the email in order to properly parse it. The minimum sets of properties for each item type are:
- Flight item - airline, flight number, departure date, departure time, departure airport, arrival date, arrival time, arrival airport.
- Hotel Reservation item - hotel name, check in and checkout dates, address
- Car Rental item - car rental vendor, pickup and drop-off dates, pickup and drop-off locations
- Public Transportation item - vendor, departure and arrival dates, times and locations
- Meeting item - name/subject, start date and time
- Event item - name, start date and time
Notice that in many cases, the flight information provided in the e-mails lacks some of the mandatory data, such as airports or landing time. In these cases, CWT adds the information using additional services. There are flights for which this information is not available, such as unscheduled flights, charter flights or flights in the past.
Advanced Topics
Recommended setup
There are several setup options developers may choose to use when integrating with the CWT Parsing API .
Below, we describe the two most common setups examples.
- E-mail redirection. In this setup, the developer publishes an e-mail address to its end users and instructs them to send their travel confirmation e-mails accordingly. The developer then sets an e-mail redirection to his dedicated ‘Developer’s mailbox at CWT’ (e.g. and then receives the response from the CWT Parsing API . The response also includes details about the origins of the confirmation email - which travel agency, airline, etc. created it; when was it sent; etc. In this setup, it is crucial that the original travel e-mail is being relayed to the CWT Parsing API mailbox via a method of e-mail redirection (also known as server-side e-mail forwarding) and not a standard client side e-mail forward, which usually adds the Fwd/FW prefix to the subject. This ensures that the original e-mail remains in-tact, to identify the traveler (via the sender’s email address) and to increase the probability of a successful and complete processing of that e-mail.
- No redirection. In this setup, the developer is not redirecting users’ travel e-mails to the CWT Parsing API but instead is sending them to the CWT Parsing API mailbox via a different process. For example, the developer may choose to receive the e-mails from its users, extract some information from the e-mail on its own (such as the sender’s address) and only then forward that e-mail to CWT. In such a case, the CWT Parsing API would not be able to ascertain the original sender (usually the traveler) from the e-mail; however, the CWT Parsing API response will return the e-mail headers so that the developer can match the response to the original e-mail. This will allow for the Context Management as described below.
E-Mail Redirection
If choosing option 1 above, the developer must set an e-mail redirection from the e-mail published to the users ( to the developer mailbox at CWT. This can be done by setting a redirection directive in your mail server. Here are two examples:
- Postfix - set a virtual mailbox to set the redirect (see more details here In the /etc/postfix/virtual configuration file, the relevant line should look like this, assuming is your published e-mail address: . - Google Apps - an account can be set to forward all e-mails to another mailbox. You can do that by going to Mail Settings -> Forwarding and POP/IMAP -> Forwarding -> Add a forwarding address. The e-mail with the confirmation code will be sent to the pre-configured e-mail address.
For other mail servers, please check the server documentation on how to set a redirection.
End User E-Mail Address
Since most developers will try to find their end user according to the e-mail, the CWT Parsing API provides the end user’s e-mail address as a separate XML element for easier processing. Extracting the e-mail address is done according to the following logic:
- If the developer mailbox at CWT or the product public mailbox (e.g. is a main recipient of the e-mail (in the “To” field), then the end user is considered to be the sender.
- If the developer mailbox at CWT or the product public mailbox (e.g. is a secondary recipients of the e-mail (in the “CC” or “BCC” fields), then the end user is the primary recipient of the e-mail.
The second option is relevant when there is a setting with a TMC or a travel agent that every travel e-mail is also sent to the developer mailbox. In order to activate this option, please contact CWT’s developer support.
CWT do not save or use the end user’s e-mail, other than to provide it in the response. However, if you do not want CWT to have access to the end user’s e-mail, all you need to do is catch the e-mail, remove all address fields (From, To, CC) and send the e-mail to your developer CWT maCWTu can use the custom context management (described below) in order to track the user.
User Tracking and Context Management
The CWT Parsing API supports custom context management for API requests. The context can be used to pass the user id in the developer system or to pass any user or mail specific information.
The context data should be sent as custom SMTP headers; The CWT Parsing API does not inspect or process those, as it just acts as a transparent pass-through to the e-mail headers. This way, the custom headers are returned in the response in the following manner:
API Reference
List of return codes
The return codes are divided into two groups:
- Successful parsing - all or some of the items in the e-mail were parsed and their information is available
- Failed parsing - the parsing may fail due to several reasons; the most common is that the mail contains no itinerary information or not enough information.
Return Code |
Success |
Description |
Yes |
An itinerary confirmation e-mail was parsed successfully |
Yes |
Some, but not all, of the items in an itinerary confirmation e-mail were parsed successfully. Details about the missing items are provided in the error message. |
No |
The service did not find any travel related information in the e-mail. |
No |
The service recognizes this format to be without itinerary related information in the e-mail. E.g. a frequent flier marketing message from an airline. |
No |
The service found some itinerary related data, but it there is not enough information to create itinerary items |
No |
The email is from a travel agency, airline, etc., but there were no trip related items. E.g. a frequent flier marketing message from an airline. |
No |
An external site is not responsive to the scraping attempt. |
No |
An internal error within the service |
No |
This format could not be recognized by the service. Either the format is not supported or it contains additional information generally found in the ‘standard’ confirmation emails sent by that provider. |
No |
If a same e-mail was sent form the same sender was parsed unsuccessfully, it will not be parsed again. This is a defense mechanism for a user sending the same e-mail over and over again in a short period. |
No |
The developer’s account is suspended, since the quota was exceeded, or due to other reasons. [The account must be upgraded to the Premium Tier of API service in order to continue beyond the quota.] |
No |
The developer quota was exceeded. |
XML Reference
XML Schema
The full schema is located here.
Parsing result
The XML for the main result contains the following parts:
Line 1 - the root element, together with the time the e-mail was received in the CWT system and its request ID
Line 2 - the parsing result status
Lines 3-8 - All the e-mail headers
Lines 9-11 - the parsed items
Line 12 - the enclosing element
In case of failure, an additional error-msg element will be added, with information on the nature of the failure. The items element will not be present in this case.
Line 1 - the root element, together with the time the e-mail was received in the CWT system and its request ID
Line 2 - the parsing result status
Line 3-4 - A detailed error message
Lines 5-10 - All the e-mail headers
Line 11 - the enclosing element
Common Constructs
There are common constructs used by all the items.
Traveler Details
The details a single traveler
Lines 2-4 - the traveler’s name, if applicable
Line 5 - the traveler’s e-mail address, if applicable
Line 6 - the traveler’s loyalty program membership details, if applicable
Line 7 - the meal (flights only), if applicable
Line 8 - the assigned seat (in flight or public transportation), if applicable
Line 9 - the assigned cabin/coach (in public transportation), if applicable
Line 10 - the assigned class-type (in flight or public transportation), if applicable
Line 11 - the e-ticket number (flights only), if applicable
Lines 12-15 - the price of this traveler’s reservation
In case the traveler name cannot be broken into first and last names, the full name resides in a single element, <name>.
Booking Details
The details of the booking site or agency
Line 2 - the booking site or agency name
Line 3 - the website address, if applicable
Line 4 - the phone number, if applicable
Line 5 - the fax number, if applicable
Line 6 - the booking site or agency confirmation number, if applicable
Line 7 - the booking date
Provider Details
The details of the travel provider - the airline, car rental company, etc.
Line 2 - the travel provider name
Line 3 - the website address, if applicable
Line 4 - the phone number, if applicable
Line 5 - the fax number, if applicable
Line 6 - the travel provider confirmation number (such as airline reference), if applicable
Price Details
The reservation or item price. The price can appear more than one time per reservation – once as the total price of the reservation; once in every item, representing its price; and once per each traveler if the separate prices are available.
Expense application would usually want to relate to the price in the top reservation details element, as it represents the total price of the reservation.
Line 2 - the total price of the reservation
Line 3 - the daily price of the reservation, if applicable (car rental, hotel)
Line 4 - the tax, if applicable
Line 5 - the ISO 4217 code of the currency the price is given at
Reservation Details
Contains information shared by all reservation items - flight, hotel, car rental and public transportation. It has no specific element of its own
Line 2 - the record locator of the reservation in the GDS, if applicable
Line 3 - the booking details
Line 4 - the provider details
Line 5 - the total price
Address details
Lines 2,3 - the geocoding details of the address
Line 4 - the full street address, if applicable
Line 5 - the city name
Line 6 - the 2/3 characters state code , if applicable. Applies to the United States, Canada and Australia
Line 7 - the ISO 3166-alpha-2 country code
Line 8 - the ISO 3166 country name
Line 9 - the zip code/postal code, if applicable
Lines 2-18 - reservation details
Line 19 - the marketed flight details, the airline code and number
Line 20 - the actual flight details, if different than the marketed
Lines 21-29 - the departure details:
Lines 22-23 - the geocoding details
Line 24 - the airport IATA code
Line 25 - the airport name
Line 26 - the published departure time, given in local time
Line 26 - the published departure time, given in UTC time
Lines 30-38 - the arrival details
Line 39 - the IATA aircraft code and name
Line 40 - the flight duration in minutes
Line 41 - the flight distance in miles
Lines 42-55 - the traveler details
Lines 2-13 - Reservation details. Notice that the provider details and some other details are missing as they do not appear in the example here
Line 14 - The hotel name
Lines 15-24 - The Address details
Line 15 - The check in date
Line 16 - The checkout date
Line 18 - The hotel phone number
Lines 29-32 -The guest details, if given
Car Rental
Lines 2-16 - Reservation details
Line 17 - The car type - code and name (if provided).
Lines 18-34 - Pickup details
Line 19 - Airport code, if applicable
Line 20 - pick up time, given in local time
Line 21 - pick up time, given in UTC time
Line 22 - Phone number at the pickup agency (if provided)
Line 23 - Opening hours as free text (if provided)
Lines 24-33 - Address details
Lines 34-51 - Drop off details
Lines 52-56 - Driver(s) details, if given
Public Transportation
Lines 2-16 - Reservation details
Lines 17-28 - Departure details:
Line 18 - The train station name
Line 19 - Departure time, given in local time
Line 20 - Departure time, given in UTC time
Lines 21-27 - Address details
Lines 29-40 - Arrival details
Line 41 - The train number
Line 42 - The trip duration, in minutes
Lines 43-52 - The traveler(s) details. Notice it includes the seat, cabin and class if provided
Line 2 - the meeting name/subject
Line 3 - the meeting’s location, either and address or free text
Lines 4-5 - start and end times, given in local time
Lines 6-7 - start and end times, given in UTC time, if applicable. The meeting needs to have a full address for this
Lines 8-17 - address details, if given
Line 18 - The contact’s phone number, if applicable
Line 19 - The contact’s fax number, if applicable
Lines 2-11 - Reservation details. Notice that the provider details and some other details are missing as they do not appear in the TicketMaster example here.
Line 12 - The event name
Line 13 - The event location
Line 14 - The event start time, given in local time. Notice that TicketMaster does not provide end time to its event, so it is not brought here.
Line 15 - The event start time, given in UTC time Notice that TicketMaster does not provide end time to its event, so it is not brought here.
Lines 16-25 -address details, if given
Additional Information
Supported Providers
The updated list of the supported providers is always at the following address:
Supported Input Formats
The service can extract information from various input types, as long as the information is saved as text and not as an image. The supported input formats are:
- Text e-mails
- HTML e-mails
- Web sites
- Text attachments
- HTML attachments
- PDF attachments
- RTF attachments
- DOC attachments
- Compressed attachments
Supported Languages
In all major formats the service supports the following:
- English
- German
- French
- Italian
- Spanish
- Portuguese
- Swedish
- Danish
- Norwegian
There are some formats where the service supports the following:
- Hungarian
- Polish
- Russian
- Chinese
- Japanese